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Medical Negligence
By Conal McGarrity
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27 Year Old Woman Sues NHS Trust for Removal of Wrong Fallopian Tube After Ectopic Pregnancy

A 27 year old woman has been left infertile following an ectopic pregnancy after surgeons at Walsall Manor Hospital removed the wrong fallopian tube. This significant oversight was only discovered one week after the surgery when Ms Thomas was readmitted back to the hospital and was told that the surgeon had mistakenly removed a healthy fallopian tube.

Ms. Thomas then had to undergo further surgery to remove the fallopian tube that was originally supposed to be removed. If the fallopian tube had been “inspected throughout its entire length the ectopic pregnancy should have been discovered and removed” this was stated in the Serious Incident Investigation Report which would have meant Ms Thomas wouldn’t have suffered the way she did.

Ms Thomas has stated that the mistake has ruined her life. She has now been told that she will be unable to have children naturally and will require IVF treatment in the future. Ms Thomas has become depressed as a result of the accident, stating that her relationship with her partner has broken down and she is struggling with debt.

She has also been unable to return to work, she had previously worked as a healthcare assistant in the NHS for 9 years. Walsall Healthcare NHS trust have admitted liability and have apologised to Ms. Thomas. Dr Matthew Lewis, the medical director of the Trust stated, ” we would once again offer our sincere apologies to the patient involved for the fact that our care fell below the standard that we would expect for anyone who uses our services.” Dr Matthew Lewis also stated that “in this case, while the necessary checks were carried out before surgery and the consent was given, an error was regrettably made.

The trust investigates errors thoroughly in accordance with our internal governance processes, working with patients and their families, our own clinicians and staff to learn lessons an put systems into place to try and avoid such incidents. Ms. Thomas has made a claim for compensation against the Trust as a result of this very clear negligence which has caused significant damage to her physically, mentally and financially. While the standard of care is generally high in the NHS there are times when mistakes are made and unfortunately, this can have a life changing impact on victims.

Ms. Thomas will be able to claim for general damages which will include injuries caused to her and special damages, which will include any expenses she has incurred as a result of the incident. A claim for compensation will not undo the damage done to a victim of medical negligence. However, it can provide vital financial support and leave victims in a position to start rebuilding their lives. This can also provide a useful reminder to medical professionals who can “learn lessons” from mistakes such as this and “put systems in place to try Void such incidents” as suggested by Dr. Matthew Lewis.

At PA Duffy and Company, our experienced medical negligence team can offer expert advice and representation to those who have suffered and still suffer from any form of medical negligence in Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland. We understand that this can be a very difficult subject to discuss but we promise to deal with your case in a compassionate and professional matter. If you feel you have been mistreated, misdiagnosed or perhaps there has been an unnecessary delay in diagnosis causing injury you should contact our specialised medical negligence solicitor’s, who will advise you on whether or not you have a viable claim.

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