Module 1 – Resilience and Preparedness
Module 1 of the UK Covid-19 Public Inquiry was formally opened on 20th July 2022 and will examine the resilience and preparedness of the United Kingdom. The module will explore whether the risk of a Coronavirus pandemic was properly identified and planned for and if the UK was ready for such an eventuality. The module will examine the UK’s preparedness for whole-system civil emergencies, including the system of risk management and pandemic readiness.

Module 1 Report
The Module 1 Report has been published by the UK Covid Inquiry containing the first submission of recommendations following the Covid-19 pandemic. We have written a commentary on these recommendations alongside the NICBFFJ regarding the impacts of their implementation on Northern Ireland's emergency response system and what it means for bereaved families.
Preliminary Hearings
October 4th 22’ – The first preliminary hearing for module 1 announced the beginning of the inquiry. Ronan Lavery, Counsel for Northern Ireland Bereaved Families for Justice, outlined the unique position and features the nation has regarding the general healthcare system and unique constitutional arrangements in terms of decision-making. The hearing covered the designation of core participants in the Inquiry and the provisional outline of the Scope for Module
February 14th 23’ – Brenda Campbell, Counsel for Northern Ireland Bereaved Families for Justice, opened by questioning the chair on a number of issues relating to the disclosure of documents and the examination of witnesses. Ms Campbell also addressed the issues that are unique to Northern Ireland, geographically, politically and regarding decision-making.
April 25th 23’ – Ronan Lavery, Counsel for Northern Ireland Bereaved Families for Justice, opened raising his concerns regarding the scarcity of disclosure from Northern Ireland’s witnesses to that point and what was to come. Mr Lavery raised the lack of concern from the inquiry regarding issues that are unique to Northern Ireland, geographically, politically and regarding decision-making. He then closed raising concern over the lack of information and witness statements coming from Northern Ireland’s witnesses.
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