Medical Negligence Solicitors Belfast

Medical Negligence

If you have suffered harm because of inadequate medical treatment, you may be entitled to bring a claim for compensation. Where your doctor or other health worker failed in their duty of care to you and you have been injured as a result, you are strongly advised to speak to a medical negligence expert.

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P.A Duffy & Co Medical Negligence Compensation Solicitors

At P.A Duffy & Co Solicitors Dungannon, our medical negligence solicitors can represent you in bringing a claim for compensation for your injuries. We have extensive experience in securing damages payments for clients with a wide range of injuries, from relatively minor to severe damage and life-changing trauma.

Our team has an excellent track record of success in securing the best possible level of damages as well as a strong understanding of both the law in this area and how to take on large insurance companies and win.

We represent clients in a full range of medical negligence compensation claims, including:

Why Choose PA Duffy Solicitors for Medical Negligence Claims?

We know how daunting it is to bring a legal case when you are recovering from trauma and injuries. Our medical negligence solicitors Belfast understand this and we will do all we can to assist you throughout your time with us.

Our experience means that we are often able to secure a settlement out of court so that you do not have to attend a hearing. If litigation is necessary, we will make sure that you are thoroughly prepared beforehand and that you have an expert medical negligence advocate speaking on your behalf in court.

“I can’t thank everyone at PA Duffy enough for helping me win my case. Conal has devoted significant time and effort to helping me recover damages for medical negligence. I have been highly impressed by the manner in which he conducted my claim and would certainly recommend his services to anyone in a similar position.”

“I am extremely grateful to Conal and his medical negligence team for the way in which they handled my case. Conal’s expertise and work ethic has helped me to secure a settlement that has far exceeded any expectations I had. I want to thank Conal in particular for his persistence with my case, his commitment and professionalism have been top class.”

Our Medical Negligence Solicitors

Our team of medical negligence specialists work in both Northern Ireland and Ireland, providing advice and representation across a wide range of claims.

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Speak to us with No Obligation

Our team of expert solicitors will be happy to assist you with your enquiry without any obligation to use our services. Contact us using your preferred method and we will gratefully assist.
Contact Details
Call Us From Northern Ireland
028 8772 2102Mon-Fri 9am-5pm
Call Us From Republic Of Ireland
01 533 7860Mon-Fri 9am-5pm

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Our Medical Negligence Team

Conal McGarrityConal McGarrityDirector
Enda McGarrityEnda McGarrityDirector
Gary DalyGary DalySolicitor
Naomi WhiteNaomi WhiteSolicitor

Frequently Asked Questions

Do I have a valid medical negligence claim?

To prove medical negligence, we will need to establish three criteria in respect of your case:

  • That you were owed a duty of care by your doctor or other healthcare professional

  • That this duty of care was breached

  • That you suffered harm as a direct result of the breach of the duty of care

We know how to put together strong evidence in support of a medical negligence case and how to establish liability to the satisfaction of the court.

What is the process for bringing a medical negligence compensation claim?

If you believe that you have suffered medical negligence, you are advised to speak to an expert medical negligence solicitor as soon as you can. If you ask us to represent you, we will start putting together evidence straightaway while records are easily available, and the incident is still fresh in everyone’s minds.

We will be able to ask a medical expert to examine you early on and prepare a report detailing the injuries you have suffered. Our team will also contact the health authority or other medical body responsible for your treatment and advise them and their insurer that you intend to make a claim.

They will investigate the incident and may agree that they are liable. If this is the case, then we will put together strong medical evidence on your behalf and advise them of the amount of compensation we believe you are entitled to. However, if liability is not admitted or the amount offered by way of compensation is not sufficient, we will prepare your case for court.

How much compensation will you receive for medical negligence?

The amount you will receive will depend on the severity of your injuries and how they will affect you in the future. We have extensive experience in dealing with medical negligence cases and if you call us, we can go through what has happened and give you our opinion as to how much you might expect to receive.

If your claim is successful, you will be entitled to two types of damages:

  1. General damages

    A general damages payment is intended to compensate you for the pain and suffering you have experienced as well as any inability to do things you used to be able to do. This is referred to as loss of amenity. An example could be if you used to be able to work in your garden but you are no longer able to.

    If you have suffered psychological harm because of what has happened, this can also be claimed for within the general damages section of your case.

  1. Special damages

    Special damages refers to quantifiable financial loss that you have suffered as a result of medical negligence. This could include loss of earnings, loss of future earnings, the cost of any special equipment you need, travel expenses to medical appointments, prescription charges, any care and help you require, both now and in the future, and the cost of adapting your home to accommodate your injuries, if this is necessary.

How long will a medical negligence case take?

The length of time a medical negligence case takes depends on the severity of your injuries and whether the other side admits liability.

If your injuries are substantial, you may be advised to wait before settling to see how they heal and what your long-term prognosis is. If your injuries are more minor and the other side is prepared to settle, your case could be dealt with within several months to a year.

In the event that you have been badly affected by medical negligence and you are unable to work, we can request interim payments during the course of your case so that you do not suffer financial hardship.

Is there a deadline for bringing a medical negligence claim?

For an adult, there is a three-year time limit for bringing a medical negligence claim in the UK and a two-year time limit for the Republic of Ireland. This is known as the limitation period. It runs either from the date of the negligent incident or the date that you became aware of the injury you suffered.

In the case of a child, the three-year (UK) and two-year (ROI) time limit runs from the date of their 18th birthday.

Do you represent clients in medical negligence in Northern Ireland or Ireland?

We have Belfast medical negligence solicitors as well as a Dungannon office where we represent clients bringing claims in Northern Ireland. We also have Dublin medical negligence solicitors and represent clients in the Republic of Ireland.

How much does a medical negligence claim cost?

If your case is successful, you can expect the other side to pay your legal expenses as part of the settlement. This includes if you agree on an out of court compensation payment.

Is there a no win no fee medical negligence fee option in Northern Ireland?

While there isn’t a no win no fee medical negligence option in Northern Ireland, we can discuss how your case can be funded if you are concerned about costs.

In some cases, you may be eligible for Legal Aid. If you are not, you may be able to choose after the event insurance, which is a policy that would cover your legal costs in the event that you do not win your case. If you do win, then a small premium is payable, which can be deducted from the money that you are awarded.

Contact our Medical Negligence Solicitors in Belfast

If you believe that you have a medical negligence claim, call us to speak to one of our legal experts. We will go through what has happened with you and answer your questions. To talk to one of our team, call us now on 028 8772 2102 (UK) or 01 533 7860 (IE). Alternatively, you can make an online enquiry and we’ll contact you promptly.

Notable Recent Medical Negligence Cases

Below is a selection of recent successes we have had for our clients:

  • Barbara Kozyra v St James Hospital, Dublin – Medical negligence, High Court Dublin – stem cell transplant mistake resulting in avoidable death – substantial settlement

  • MB v Belfast Health & Social Care Trust – Medical negligence, High Court Belfast – significant injuries due to failure to administer a specific drug – substantial settlement

  • RJ v Southern Health & Social Care Trust – Medical negligence, High Court Belfast, stroke resulting in significant brain injury

  • MJ (a child) v Belfast Health & Social Care Trust – Medical Negligence, High Court Belfast – catastrophic birthing injury

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