Dental Negligence Claims
If you have suffered injury or harm during dental treatment because of negligence, you may be entitled to receive a compensation payment. P A Duffy helps people who have suffered injury to make dental negligence claims.
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Dental Negligence Injuries Include:
Delay in treating a dental condition which meant that it worsened.
Loss of teeth caused by poor treatment.
Misdiagnosis of dental problems
Failure to diagnose dental problems, including periodontal disease.
Nerve injury
Incorrect fitting of implants
Mistakes in cosmetic dentistry procedures
Psychological trauma caused by dental negligence.
Pain and suffering caused by dental negligence.
Dealing with dental pain can be debilitating and your life may be disrupted while you seek help to try and resolve matters. Our dental negligence claims team understand how serious dental negligence is and will do all they can to help your claim progress quickly and with as little stress as possible.
If you contact us, we can discuss the claims process with you and answer any questions you may have, including how much you might be entitled to receive and how long your case might take.
Speak to our dental negligence claims solicitors in Dungannon and Dublin
For a consultation with one of our expert dental negligence solicitors in Dungannon Dublin, call us now on 028 8772 2102 (UK) or 01 533 7860 (IE)
Alternatively, you can Make An Online Inquiry and we’ll contact you promptly.
How to Make A Claim For Dental Negligence in Northern Ireland
Professional Support
If you ask us to represent you in bringing a claim for compensation for dental negligence, we will stay by your side every step of the way to make sure you have the support you need.
Letter of Claim
We will start by advising your dental practice and their insurer that you intend to make a dental negligence claim. They may admit liability straightaway, in which case, your claim will be about exactly how much compensation you will receive.
Consultation with Dental Experts
We can arrange for you to be examined by dental experts who will be able to prepare a report setting out what has happened, what treatment you might need and what your prognosis is.
Evaluating Dental Negligence Compensation
This will form the basis of your claim, and you can expect to be compensated for the pain and suffering you have undergone as well as for any financial losses, such as the cost of treatment to rectify problems, loss of earnings if you have had to miss work and expenses such as travel costs.
We are often able to reach an agreement by way of negotiation so that you will not have to go to court. If we do not think that you have been offered enough money or the other side does not admit liability, we will prepare a strong case on your behalf for court and instruct an advocate with expertise in dental negligence claims to represent you at the hearing.
The court will start by setting a timetable for what will happen in the run-up to a final hearing. This will include swapping evidence such as medical reports and witness statements. It is a requirement that you attempt to resolve matters during this pre-trial period wherever possible.
How long will dental negligence claim solicitors take to settle my compensation claim?
If it is possible to negotiate a settlement, then your claim could be dealt with within a year or less. However, if your claim is complex, if liability is not admitted or if the other side does not offer a high enough sum in compensation and a trial is needed, then it could take longer. We can give you a rough estimate of the likely time taken once we know the extent of the injuries you have suffered.
How much compensation will dental negligence solicitors win for me?
How much dental negligence compensation you will receive will depend on the severity of your injuries as well as the costs involved in rectifying matters. Once we have an idea of what has happened to you, we will be able to discuss the amount of money you might expect to receive by way of compensation.
Is there a time limit for bringing a dental negligence claim?
You will usually have three years from the date of the negligent treatment in which to commence a claim for dental negligence compensation. If you did not become aware of your injuries until later, then the three years will run from the time when you became aware of them.
In the case of a child, the three years runs from the date of their 18th birthday.
Contact our dental negligence solicitors in Dungannon and Dublin
Our dental negligence lawyers have a strong track record of success in securing compensation for dental patients where negligence has occurred. To speak to one of our team, call us now on 028 8772 2102 (UK) or 01 533 7860 (IE)
Alternatively, you can inquire and we’ll contact you promptly.
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